Life-Changing Testimonies | Growing Deep and Strong® Skip to content

Growing Deep and Strong® Testimonies

Listen to what others say about our life changing “Off-The-Shelf Bible Study Christian Discipleship Course and how it fast tracked their life in Christ.

It has changed their lives forever and it will change and transform the lives of those you take on this exciting twelve months journey.

“First Time Ever I’ve Experienced Consistent Uwavering Joy, It’s a Complete Change.”

– Esther Dobby

This course has been really transforming. God’s healed my heart. I’ve been set free. I never thought I would ever experience joy. This is the first time ever in my Christian walk that I’ve experienced consistent unwavering joy. It’s a complete change. I’m so hungry for reading the Bible. I’m so hungry for having time with him. It’s just been completely life transforming.

“At the Encounter Weekends Everything Comes Together”

– Kate McLean

I think the gems of this course are the encounter weekends for someone who has been around the block a few times. I think at the encounter weekends everything comes together.

It is where we’ve been dealing with generational curses and so on generational things and things from today that are relevant for me. It is very releasing, it is freedom and then going forward, wow, it’s like the world is your oyster.

“Growing Deep and Strong® laid the foundations for my Christian walk”

Tom Peters

I was introduced to Growing Deep and Strong® shortly after I met Jesus and it had a profound impact on my life. I had a lot stuff and baggage from my past, I learnt the mechanics of a Christian life, how to get rid of past issues, how to grow in an intimate relationship with God.

It gave me the foundations to grow my faith, how to be successful in life. I am very grateful for the Growing Deep and Strong materials. I have seen others who haven’t had strong foundations like this really struggle in there Christian walk, I strongly recommend it from a personal experience.

“Why Growing Deep and Strong® Christian Discipleship works”

Paul Duff

My background was a traditional Catholic upbringing, an indoctrination, I have learnt more in 8 weeks than I did in 8 years about being told about the things of God. It was insightful, eye opening, and unlocked a yearning for more information.

We are living in challenging times, and if you are looking for a moral pathway and a compass for where you should be heading in life, then I would encourage you to start Growing Deep and Strong®.

“It’s just like the load is lifted”

– John Harper

Encounter weekends is the time where we have ministry, and it has been very effective and impactful in realizing some of the stuff that we sometimes may not even realize ourselves, that we carry with us the baggage that we carry, that we don’t realize how it affects us even in our walk as believers.

And when we experience this time of ministry, there’s just an experience of freedom, and it’s just like a load is lifted and you start to realize that there’s stuff that we need to deal with so that we can have a deeper relationship and a stronger relationship with Christ.

“It Fast Tracked my Growth as a New Christian”

– Greg Nichols

In my journey as a Christian, nothing has accelerated my knowledge, faith, and love for the Lord more than the Growing Deep and Strong® series, which was like stepping on to a ‘fast train’.

I really liked the relaxed setting, commencing each week with a meal with other new Christians and our coaches which was combined with great teaching and course material.

I also found the Personal Discovery and Encounter Weekend to be really valuable. The course fast tracked my growth as a new Christian, connected me with new eternal friends and introduced me into the life of my church.

“This is Gentle Yet Profound and Easy”

– Annette Johnstone

The last two encounter weekends have just been life changing for me. This is gentle, yet profound and easy. It is something that everyone can do and there’s no pressure, all are going through the same thing. This has exposed everything that I needed to be exposed to.

” I didn’t want to put the book down”

– Gerry Donohue

The study was about an hour, but once I started on it, I didn’t want to put the book down. It was enlightening, some of the stuff that I come across that I’ve never experienced before.

I recommend it to anyone and everyone. It’s a must do, especially someone of my age, that you get to a certain stage in life and you think, there’s got to be more than this, and this is where you find it.

“A piece was missing when I was unable to attend”

– Derek Balogh

And without this, I think I’d be in a very different place, because I have got so much out of the meetings we’ve had every Tuesday morning, with a few exceptions, which I missed, which I regretted. And I have to say to that, because I felt like a piece was missing when I was unable to do that with my commitments, with other things.

It’s not the same to watch it on the video. If you take this information, which is an extraordinary package, and you take this on board, then you’ll see what is going on. I hear every day people saying, if only there was a manual for the book of life. We’ve got it. It’s all written. It’s all sitting in front of us.

“Don’t even think twice about it”

– Gerry Donohue

There’s topics in there that are really unexpected and they’re so uplifting. And the joy that you take away from it in every section of it has something that just sticks to your heart. And enlightens you and gives you great faith and hope in the future.

I just can’t be thankful enough. Anyone that’s seeing this, put your hand up and volunteer. Don’t even think twice about it. It’s sensational.

“You can’t replace it on a video”

– Derek Balogh

I have no pressure on my shoulder anymore because now I feel uplifted. This encounter weekend, you can’t replace it on a video, you can’t talk about it, it can’t be done on a telephone.

You will grab and gain so much by being here in person and being with other like minded people.

“Takes everything to another spiritual level”

– Gerry Donohue

This is the second one in Growing Deep and Strong® has taking everything to another spiritual level for me. And with this weekend, that’s where you experience the power of the Holy Spirit and the power of Jesus Christ our Redeemer.

“The fog is now clear”

– Derek Balogh

This course puts everything into perspective about where you’re standing. For me, we talked about subjects that nobody else talks about. We talked about the curses, the vows, what we idolize, the things we see on television, the media, things that we have been, all the influences from outside.

And I can honestly say it’s now cleared, the fog. And now the fog is clear, because it’s as simple as this. We have been bombarded with everything else except what we need to focus on.

“After 6 Months of Growing Deep and Strong, I Was Teaching Others”

– Annette Keat

It’s that easy, it’s so simple. The process behind it is so simple anyone can pick that up. After actually doing the course themselves, they can pick that up and start teaching others. It’s so simple.

“It is Easy to Follow, So Simple to Teach”

– Heather Ellison

It is easy to follow, so simple to teach, biblically sound, and it’s such a joy to transform lives of others.

“It is Easy to Navigate When You’re Discipling Others.”

– Sharon Brown

The Growing Deep and Strong® tool is easy to navigate when you’re discipling others. Whether you are an experienced teacher or not, you’ll be able to just pick up the manuals and follow the prompts.

“Each Study Was Very Self-Explanatory”

– Rick Dobby

As a coach and a facilitator of the groups, I just went through each week, didn’t look ahead. Each study was very self-explanatory that the questions were outlined, and I would make notes and then just facilitate and get other people to share their experiences and what they’d found as they went through.

“A Foundation Course for You to Go to Other Things”

– Eshan Perera

I do feel a sense of lightness today and also very confident knowing that I’ve done my part to make sure that I am right in God’s eyes. I do feel that this course, every Christian should do it. It is a foundation course for you to go to other things. If you do not get your foundation right, you can’t expect a house to be standing.

“It’s Like Your Cup Just Overflows”

– Dean Johnstone

The weekends are great. You get to meet brothers and sisters. It’s good to see other people set free. The love that God has with all of us, the love just oozes out. It’s like your cup just overflows when we all come together and it’s just fantastic. Everyone needs to do this course or have these weekends.

“The Growing Deep and Strong® Coach’s manual made it easy to coach others”

Carl John Fechner with Tammy Broadhead

It was a learning curve, interesting to see the dynamics at work. We had a small group of people we were responsible for, we each had 3-5 people to coach. The manuals are fantastic, they outlined and gave direction on what to speak about, what questions to bring up and discuss, it gave us guidelines, it gave us back up and knowledge.

A lot of depth and knowledge in the scripture, and was brought out in simplistic terms. And was really easy to teach in simplistic terms, it was great.

“My Knowledge of God was distorted by Hollywood”

by Lily Bragge

Aside from a short spell at Sunday School as a child, I had no religious upbringing or teachings whatsoever. Despite a university education, my understanding of the Bible was as Mickey Mouse as it gets.

When I became a Christian at the age of 40 my knowledge was limited to and distorted by secular society and gross media representation -particularly Hollywood.

Joining a Bible Study group with other new believers and studying under the Growing Deep and Strong series was a wonderful introduction to Scripture. What was once unintelligible became clear and powerful. The course provided solid theology, foundation and clarity, particularly in regard to issues of spiritual warfare and the Holy Trinity.

“Group Dynamics’ and the Incredible Encounter Weekend”

Carl John Fechner with Tammy Broadhead

“Working as a coach, had team support with other coach’s, caring, embracing and loving atmosphere for disciples. A bondedness amongst coach’s and disciples, something that you can’t buy. God works through these manuals, it was a safe environment. Encounter Weekend was dynamic,  incredible, people were blown away. What God had done, God was touching people through people. Being set free, people came up and said “I feel great,  I feel so light..”

“Growing Deep and Strong® — after 12 years still has a profound impact on my life”

Helen Sanchez

I learnt a lot, a big impact in my life. It taught me things to apply in my life. I learnt to live every day in a Godly way. I learnt how to forgive and be contented in life.

“Growing Deep and Strong® My Encounter One Weekend experience”

Paul Duff

I have just attended ©Encounter One Weekend, the 8th session after ©Laying The Foundation, which was an easy 8 weeks that covered very specific topics; A New Life, Kingdom of Darkness in contrast to the Kingdom of Light, Why Jesus Came, Holy Spirit, Existence of Angels, Spirit, Soul and Body, and the ©Encounter One Weekend.

I came with an open mind and got out of it more than I expected. It brought, clarity, conviction, and revelation. I was set free of generational curses and baggage. The Kingdom of Darkness is pervasive and can infiltrate every part of our life, Carl and his team “unpacked my junk” and this was the biggest take away from this weekend.

“The Encounter One Weekend was Awesome”

By Andrea “A”

I am so grateful for this Course. It has been such a blessing in my life. I found the teaching material easy to understand, while at the same time it challenged and encouraged me to think for myself about how the teaching applied in my own life. The Encounter Weekend was an awesome and enlightening experience.

I went into the weekend a little cautious and nervous, but now I am very grade that i went a long. I have no idea that i needed deliverance, but God did, and He touched me at the Encounter Weekend in a very personal and powerful way.

I know that i will never be the same again because of the Growing Deep and Strong® series. My Encounter Weekend experience and the teaching have helped me to become a much happier and stronger Christian.

“Growing Deep and Strong® Module One – Laying the Foundation”

Paul Duff

I came with an open mind, what I got out it was clarity, conviction of thought and revelation, all in equal doses. I cleansed myself from a lot of past baggage that holds us back in life, that was a tremendous motivational drive for me.

“I have just completed the Basic Course”

Rodney Stewart

Hi, my name is Rodney Stewart. I’ve just completed the first module the Growing Deep and Strong® Series. This course the Growing Deep and Strong® is very simple to understand, I found it very interesting, very comprehensive, it’s given me a better understanding of God’s word.

“Growing Deep and Strong Series changed my life forever ”

Chris Mooney

Growing Deep and Strong® showed me Biblical principles on how we should be living our lives. I learnt that God is love and bad stuff that has happened in my life was because of my Godless actions. My family did the course with me.

I learnt how I am meant to treat people, I now care more about other people. I am more successful in my job. Growing Deep and Strong® has changed my life and it will change yours too. I highly recommend you should consider doing it.

“The Growing Deep and Strong® Series changed my life and my family’s life forever”

Doris Pederoso

Growing Deep and Strong® taught me about forgiveness, to love one another.  I learnt how to read the Bible, analyse what God is saying. I learnt how to apply it to my family, love, hope and faith.

“Helen Sanchez talks about how the Growing Deep and Strong® Series changed her life in Tagalog the Philippines language”

Helen Sanchez

Good morning everyone, the Filipinos as well, to all those who are watching this video. I want to express what I have learned to all the watchers of the watchers of this vide that we have read and studied this book, Growing Deep and Strong and it has truly affected me. In this book I learned a lot. First thing that I learned is to forgive myself so God can forgive me.

In this book I learned how it feels about that need to forgive others and yourself before God forgives you. In this book I also learned the difference between the darkness and the light. This book brings clarity to your path of life. If I will have to narrate my life to you, a lot of people would say I must have given up. But I gave it all up to the Lord.

The opportunity to meet a person like Carl John Fechner and introduced us this book. This book opened the doors for me that I couldn’t believe all the amazing changes it brought to our lives. Love of God that is like a light after a heavy darkness. Now I am scared to do something that might hurt God, or make any mistake that would bring me to sin.

“Growing Deep and Strong® Series explained in Tagalog the Philippines language by Doris Pederoso”

Doris Pederoso

Good morning to all of you who are watching this. I am Doris Pederoso. I learned “Growing Deep and Strong” by Carl John Fechner. On “Growing Deep and Strong,” I learned how to love, forgive, and accept. These are the important things that I’ve learned because if there’s no love and no acceptance, there is no God in our hearts.

I am thankful because when I studied and learned, many things changed my lifestyle. I can give my siblings good guidance, especially my husband who didn’t know how to navigate his life; he gave up when we faced difficulties.

If you study “Growing Deep and Strong,” all the difficulties will be gone faster if you are in God. Always remember, if you are in the middle of a problem, God is always there that we can approach.

“The Bible Was Easy To Understand”

Chris and Helen Mooney

The Bible we use in the Growing Deep and Strong series was easy to understand. In laymen’s terms, I understood the words.

“I Was Tapping Into The Kingdom Of Darkness”

Karen Fechner with Helen Mooney

I used to believe in clairvoyants, horoscopes. I also was involved in Ouija boards, palmistry. I came to understand I was tapping into the Kingdom of darkness, not into the Kingdom of Light. The impact it had on me was tremendous, I now feel totally different, I have total peace of mind.

“Wow, is that The Power Of A Godly Family!”

I came from a dysfunctional family, a rebellious little girl, wow, is that how a Godly family is supposed to be?

How it is supposed to be, it was a real revelation. A family is really a fantastic institution when it is done Gods’ way. I discovered what a family is supposed to be.

“It Has Given Me Skills for Every Area of My Life”

Andrew Broadhead

Found it laid out very well and easy to understand. Each lesson followed on from the previous in a real logical way. “Laying The Foundation” cleared up a few misconceptions, laid a good foundation, and cleaned up a bit of the rubbish. The “homework” wasn’t too heavy but helped the lesson sink in.

The Bible we used was great with all the extra. “Growing Deep and Strong” gave me a map, pulled it all together, and has given me skills for every area of my life—as a husband, a father, and a better person in general. It reinforced truth, clarified who God is, why Jesus came, and what Christianity is about.

“The Encounter Weekend Was Amazing”

Chris Mooney with Carl John Fechner

I had some pretty amazing things happen to me on that weekend. I realized there were things that I was involved in that were less than Christian. I found that I had some wicked spirits living within me, got nailed to the cross, been cleansed, and felt lighter, refreshed, renewed. The weight lifted off my shoulders, and I am a changed man

“I Discovered The Power Of A Godly Marriage”

Chris Mooney with Carl John Fechner

My thoughts on marriage were not strong, been married a few times. Marriage was a scary word, marriage was not important to me. Doing Growing Deep and Strong, I discovered the importance of the covenant of marriage.

After God, I give myself totally to my wife, our marriage is a lot stronger and deeper. It’s all about my wife and me, we pray together. God answers our prayers, our disagreements are no longer volatile.

Power of a Godly Family

by Andrew and Tammy Broadhead

Children are a blessing and gift from God. God desires us to have children. Gods’ view of having children verses what the world teaches. Being a help mate spoke to me, we are stewards of Gods’ children, helped me prepare as a parent.


I found the NKJV Spirit Filled Life Bible was great!!

by Andrew Broadhead

The Growing Deep and Strong Series was laid out very well. It is easy to understand the way each lesson was structured, one after the other, each lesson followed on from each one in a real logical way.

The personal Discovery Session wasn’t too heavy. It just helped reinforce what we had been learning.

I found the NKJV Spirit Filled Life Bible was great, not just the text itself but all the extra features that explained what the Bible verses were about.

Growing Deep and Strong really helped me to read the Bible it pulled the relevant verses on each topic, it gave me a map.

What  I learnt is relevant to my everyday life and trimmed away a lot of rubbish that we gather and made it pretty simple.

Growing Deep and Strong Series

“Why We wrote The Growing Deep And Strong Series”

“Why We Chose the NKJV Spirit Filled Life Bible”

“How To Present Growing Deep and Strong in Depth”

“Why Recognition is Important”

“Module One: Laying The Foundation Explained”

“Encounter One Weekend Explained”

“Module Two: The Power of Godly Character”

“Encounter Weekend Two Explained”

“Module Three: The War Is Real Explained”

“Module Four: Discipling Others”

“My Story And Why I Didn’t Need God”

“The Day My World Changed Forever”

“My Attempts To Understand The Bible”

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