How to start a movement - Growing Deep and Strong Skip to content

How to start a movement

Anyone can apply this model to reach and disciple nations

This document was inspired by Holy Spirit and has been designed as a “Blueprint for Success” for anyone who wants to start a movement through the implementation of New Christian Training Hub.

®Growing Deep and Strong

Mission Vision Statement

Our Mandate is to be a catalyst and facilitator in developing people to become leaders and mentors of others.
And create an environment that creates leaders that transforms nations.

Find Your Destiny™

How to start a movement

The desire to Find Your Destiny is an innate desire written on the heart of every human being, in fact it is said that there is a book written in heaven by your Creator about the dreams and purpose of your life while on earth. PLEASE NOTE: This website is designed as a bridge for those who have a spiritual hunger but have not accepted biblical truths or Jesus Christ as there Lord and saviour.

7 Mountain Mandate

How to start a movement
Religion — Family — Education — Government — Media — Business — Arts/Entertainment
Our mandate (Religion Mountain) is to Transfer — Disciple — Strengthen — and Send Biblically grounded Societal Reformers back in their mountain of influence — where every decision is influenced by a biblical worldview — the Bible is their standard for every decision they make in both business, workplace, schools, universities, and their personal life.

Your Purpose and Mandate

Start believing what God has declared over your life. When faith grows exceedingly in your heart (see 2 Thessalonians 1:3), you will have this strong inner-knowing and conviction.

Start a Movement — as a Revivalist — and Reformer

“God has prepared  you and me for the greatest harvest of souls in human history. (Haggai  2:9)— God thinks long term — He made sure that all of the cracks in the foundation of our lives have been fully repaired — The Lord rescued us so we’re able to set the captives free, because we have been there and done that”

“I was called by God to do this and have learned from the Spirit that things are first obtained through the process of Divine revelation, and if I am willing to believe God, He will provide the instructions every step of the way.” Cesar Castellanos — I believe this also applies to you, the readers and me.

Definition of a Movement

“We are raising up a generation of people — it’s a generational blessing — We gathered people around us to run with us— they learnt with us— spiritual children — and we have created a tsunami of people doing the same thing down the generations — a baton being passed from generation to generation — and each generation is running faster — the batons are getting multiplied — and the speed is multiplying as well — it’s bigger than we have ever imagined”. — prophecy.

Growing Deep and Strong ® — Find Your Destiny™

— are your Blueprint for Success and have designed to fulfil this promise.

A Strong Movement

Holy Spirit is our absolute leader in everything we plan and do — it is under His direction and tutelage.

A strong Movement brings about reformation, redefines the 7 Mountains of Influence with a Biblical Worldview and to succeed 100% in fulfilling our Mandate, it is only possible by totally relying on the Holy Spirit. (Exodus 31:3-6)

A strong movement will be constantly engaged in.

  • Reaching and winning souls from the Kingdom of Darkness,
  • Healing their brokenness,
  • Freeing them from all demonic oppression,
  • Creating within them godly character and lifestyle,
  • Equipping them to disciple others,
  • Redefining the 7 Mountains of Influence with Social Reformers who choose to make all decisions from a Biblical Worldview,
  • Understanding we have a mandate from Heaven to develop a militant attitude, in holy violence, to stop every advance of the devil (see Ephesians 6:12,13),
  • We rule the visible world from the invisible realm (seated in heavenly places Eph. 2:6),
  • Everything we do is from a foundation of Love — (1 Cor. 13:1-13),
  • Operates on the Government of twelve principle,
  • Two branches — administrative branch — and pastoral care branch
  • And involving the Holy Spirit in all we do.


Two branches of a movement — Operational and Spiritual

A strong movement must have an operational part as well as a spiritual part — BUT both work together to reach the same primary goal — and totally led by Holy Spirit.


The operational branch manages the production and distribution of discipleship materials, websites, social media platforms, corporate gatherings and it includes having a database with all the details of each members discipleship journey including work experience or profession.


The reasons for having an operational database are many.

  • Eliminate putting square pegs in round holes e.g. When equipping and developing the saints, ensuring we match any volunteer or internal tasks to the right people (Rom 12:6-8),
  • We ensure they get the right training to match their Motivational/Functional Gift (Rom. 12:6-8),
  • Five Fold Ministry — Specialised training by those who hold the office of the Five-Fold Ministry (Eph.4:11,12) is matched to those with equivalent gifting’s,
  • Find Your Destiny™ tests results are collected to ensure we maximise discipleship efficiently.


The emphasis is on maximising the spiritual development of all believers and fulfill their mandate of becoming societal reformers in their mountain of influence.

Disciple making in a Movement

Mat 28:18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Vs.19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Vs.20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

  • What? — Go and make disciples— 7 Mountain Societal Reformers,
  • Where? — 7 Mountains of Society in all Nations.
  • How? — Baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you— Growing Deep and Strong ®— Find Your Destiny™ are the discipleship tools.
  • When? — Now — Be sure of this, I am with you always.

The Great Commission

  • Who? — Me—Us—Everyone is Called
  • Say what? — The Gospel of Christ—Discipling Others
  • To whom? — The lost world,
  • Through what means? — Every form of available communication, print, social media, websites, and other forms of online presence—Zoom, etc.
  • To what effect? — The salvation and discipleship of those within our circles of influence.

Visualisation — Goal Setting — Aiming at the Target

In order to reach and possess the dreams, prophecies and mandate God has given us, we need to project mental images of the goals and outcomes.

When Cesar Castellanos, founder of Charismatic International Mission began his ministry in Bogota Colombia, Holy Spirit asked him, “What do you want, and when do you want it?” — The Lord revealed to him the importance of defining his goals.

When goals are conceived within God’s perfect plan, we please Him when we do what is impossible for others to do.

  • It is first necessary to set a goal,
  • Then pray to be sure it is what Holy Spirit wants to do in our life,
  • And in the ministry or movement.

Reaching one’s goal requires effort, discipline, perseverance, and dedication — But first and foremost we must acknowledge Divine direction and intervention.

Exodus 31:3 I have filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, ability, and expertise in all kinds of crafts. 4 He is a master craftsman, expert in working with gold, silver, and bronze. 5 He is skilled in engraving and mounting gemstones and in carving wood. He is a master at every craft! 6 “And I have personally appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, to be his assistant. Moreover, I have given special skill to all the gifted craftsmen so they can make all the things I have commanded you to make.

Defined Goals

Defined goals are like placing railroad tracks to our faith — goals help us to evaluate our work, because they must bear fruit.

With defined goals it helps us to evaluate what activities do not contribute to the achievement of those goals and then eliminate them.

The specific goals must contribute to growth and the fulfilling the overall mandate given by God.

Victory is obtained through goals and dreams — dreaming and visualising with the guidance and counsel of the holy Spirit — visualise the goal and target it.

Prayer and Intercession

We must be known as a praying ecclesia — wherever there is a community of believers kneeling before God, Satan will not be able to penetrate their walls.

Weapons of War in a Movement

Eph 6:12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

Ignoring this truth will not make the demons go away — ministries that are vibrant and prosper have one thing in common — they are able to expose the kingdom of darkness and its entities who resist the will of God — they have learnt to oppose darkness and destroy its evil works.


Authority is developed through trials and testing — e.g., Jesus returned from the wilderness after being tested by Satan and He returned with a greater authority. (Luke 4:14)

Passing the Test

All that we go through and how we respond is evaluated by God Himself — as we pass each test, He assigns more — He never fails us — we just repeat the test until we have overcome the situation or trial — as we pass each test and trial — He increases our authority. (Phil. 4:14, Matt 28:18-20)


This is the greatest test — Faith should be the basis of all we do — God is testing our hearts to see if we truly believe His Word about the vision, He has given us.

Hearing and obeying God’s voice is the transformational key to seeing the Promises and Vision come to pass — without faith it is impossible to please God. (Heb. 11:1)

Faith for the harvest — Biblical Example

Like Peter in Luke 5:4-6 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.”

Luke 5:5 “Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.”

Luke 5:6 And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear!

Radically Obedient and Totally Available

When God speaks it’s important that we immediately obey His voice — step out, — obey, — God’s anointing comes — and something grows in our spiritual life.

We must all pass the same spiritual test by trusting the Lord’s voice and take corresponding steps of faith.

Emulate the Expert — Jesus

An expert is someone who has in-depth knowledge and experience in his respective field of work.

Apostle Paul said those who preach the Gospel should be experts in God’s Word just as soldiers are experts in using their weapons.

Growing Deep and Strong® and Find Your Destiny™  have been created and designed to help others be an expert in laying strong foundations and godly character traits in the life of new believers.

Role Model

We must emulate the life of Christ our role model as the expert by understanding,

  • His simple language when conveying a message or thought,
  • His personal involvement in people’s lives,
  • He told stories — a storyteller — to teach eternal truths,
  • He loved people,
  • He accepted invitations from sinners as great opportunities to heal their injuries — brokenness and save souls,
  • He dedicated His life to — heal the sick — comfort the suffering — feed the hungry — cast out demons — redeem humanity.

Those who desire to continue His work on earth must dedicate every effort,

  • to know,
  • obey,
  • and emulate Him.

The true expert in Christian life is someone who has died to himself and has allowed Christ’s life to be reproduced in them.

Becoming an expert in God’s matters means allowing the Lord and the Holy Spirit to meld and conform them.

Jesus promised that He would send an expert who would remain with us, the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is our Expert Advisor/Mentor

The Holy Spirit is our absolute leader —in everything we plan and do is under His direction and tutelage.

To start a ministry of revival and to succeed 100% in fulfilling our destiny — is only possible by totally relying on Holy Spirit. (Is. 30:21, John 14:26, 16:13. Proverbs 3:5-6)

The 21st Century Church

The coming harvest is so immense (Haggai 2:9—2 Cor. 3:8-10) that only a G12 cellular vision will succeed — there is no alternative — and using Growing Deep and Strong® and Find Your Destiny as the foundational discipleship tools — we will quickly contain, nurture and disciple the immense harvest.

The church of the 21st Century must depend upon supernatural shepherding, i.e., Holy Spirit must do the shepherding and be at the forefront leading the way.

G12 is a Proven Success Model in a Movement

“Using the cell model of 12 — an ecclesia “church” has the capacity to have 100,000 members”. — According to Cesar Castellanos who founded Charismatic International Mission in Bogota Colombia in 1983 with eight people in his lounge room and by 1999 had grown to over 200,000 people in 30,000 cells and has transformed the social landscape of Bogota Colombia.

Cesar Castellanos concludes that the foundation of the 21st Century Church is this model — so project your dreams and proclaim your victory.

According to Cesar Castellanos he does not know of anything better than the Government of 12 and cellular groups — they preach the Gospel and shepherd the people far better than they ever did because the G12 Cells cover everything.

G12 — Success through Cells of 12 — The Principle of Twelve

In Biblical terms, 12 signifies — perfection of Government or Rule — it represents authority — appointment and completeness — governmental authority — authority given to mankind by God.

“Cells of 12” — the cells are a living organism that has the ability to penetrate all societal circles within the 7 Mountains of Influence.

  • No single life is left without a shepherd, and when people are shepherded, and discipled the results of discipleship is lasting — Mark 4:8. Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they sprouted, grew, and produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”
  • Through cells every person receives proper attention and opportunity to develop their Biblical Worldview and become a 7 Mountains Mandate Societal Reformer.
  • The Cell system is successful because the ecclesia becomes an active organism and members cease being spectators and become practitioners of the Great Commission within their mountain of influence — (Matt. 28:18-20).

Testimony of the success of a G12 Model Movement

The G12 methodology was birthed in 1983 in Bogota Columbia with eight people in the lounge room of Cesar and Claudia Castellanos and by 1999 it had grown to 30,000 cells.

In Bogota, these groups of 12 meet weekly in homes — We have designed the “New Christian Training Hub” concept as the format with the ability to meet at any location, in flexible time frames etc. — and using the Growing Deep and Strongorders —and Find Your Destiny® discipleship programs as the mechanism to develop new Christians — however privacy will need to be an important consideration.

“Applying the model of the Twelve to our work has been very effective because of the decentralization of the workload and unconditional reliance on the Holy Spirit” — Cesar Castellanos.

Formula for Success

G12 Cellular Structure — Homogeneous Groups in a Movement

  • Discipleship within like-minded groups,
  • Allowing Holy Spirit to create an identity in the groups/cells — “Clusters of people are organically grouped by common interests, in search of the same objectives and tending to satisfy the same needs while developing the overall vison of the Growing Deep and Strong® Movement/Mandate.”
  • This strategy penetrates the 7 mountains of society with the Gospel of Christ fast and effectively,
  • Each new believer is discipled by like-minded people who speak the same language, share the same perspectives and work towards the overall vision of the Growing Deep and Strong® Movement/Mandate,
  • A new like-minded believer never feels out of place in relation to the vision/Mandate e.g., same, or similar profession, if possible,
  • These groups work by sharing group identity and sharing each other’s needs,
  • 7 Mountain Mandate — it will be easy to help them to identify with their mountain of influence — and become social reformers within their mountain of influence,
  • A mixture of the Motivational Gifts (Rom 12:6-8) will enhance the functionality of the Cell and create a good balance within the groups — e.g., Server helps — Perceiver brings prophetic insights — Teacher is gifted to teach the group,
  • In Cesar Castellanos G12 model, the groups are — Men’s Net — Women’s Net — Youth Ministry — Couple’s Ministry — Children’s and Junior Ministry.

G12 Gathering’s formats

The cell groups help each individual grow and understand God’s purpose and destiny for their lives.

Two weekly cells.

  • One actively involved in intentional discipleship growth — Growing Deep and Strong® modules — “Closed Groups” because of sequential module training—mandatory,
  • The other is a less formal gathering —using Find Your Destiny® modules to help the disciples discover their gifts, purpose, destiny and bringing new people to Christ etc.

Corporate Gathering

  • Monthly Corporate or specific Equipping Gatherings — Worship — Prayer — the emphasis is on worship, prayer and “getting a drink” — glorifying God with OPTIONAL five-fold ministry teaching/training.

G12 and 3C — Roles within a Cells Movement

3C — Each cell gathering has three people with specific assignments.

  • The HOST — who opens their house or office to hold the meeting and coordinates the meal/fellowship,
  • The COACH, who coordinates the New Christian Training Hub — Growing Deep and Strong® or Find Your Destiny teaching/training session — OR is running “Discipling Others” and teaching the “Timothy” on How to run New Christian Training Hub — Growing Deep and Strong® sessions.
  • A TIMOTHY — who is the Coach’s assistant — is preparing to start their own New Christian Training Hub — or is running the new Cell and being tutored through Discipling Others.

7 Mountains Societal Reformers

Those who progress through the Growing Deep and Strong® — Find Your Destiny Discipleship Path become a 7 mountains Societal Reformer through cells groups.
The cell groups help each individual grow into maturity — i.e. — a militant Christian who knows their authority in Christ (Eph. 6:12,13) — from a foundation of love (1 Cor. 13: 1-13) — who have discovered God’s Purpose, Plan, and Destiny for their lives (Psalm 139:16).

Natural leaders will rise to the surface organically — leadership by definition is those discipling others and multiplying cells — fulfilling the great commission — (Matt. 28:19,20).

Five Personal Priorities of every new believer

  • God is Number One — Deut. 6:5 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your [mind and] heart and with your entire being and with all your might. (AMP),
  • Your lifestyle is important — “you are the channel through which My Spirit flows” — this extends to what we eat — exercise — what we watch or listen to,
  • The Family unit—operating in accordance with Biblical Principles, (Power of Godly Character Module)
  • Your assignment in God’s work — 7 Mountain Mandate — Societal Reformer,
  • Secular work — biblical priorities — MUST BE a balanced lifestyle — NOT putting secular work first, long hours neglecting family, and God.

Building Walls of Protection around a Movement

“Protect the Vision” — Cesar Castellanos –four walls of protection.

  • Around my/our lives,
  • Around our family,
  • Around the ministry,
  • Around our nation — We apply 2 Chron.7:14 Prayer Strategies using 7 mountains mandate.

Growing Deep and Strong® Mandate

How to start a movement

Prophetic Ministry in a Movement

The Growing Deep and Strong® Movement/Mandate is an eminently prophetic movement.

  • First, the birth is driven and directed by prophetic word/s and the Holy Spirit,
  • Second, ongoing direction is by the Holy Spirit and prophetic insights/direction,
  • To function correctly, a movement/mandate requires a strong, vibrant prophetic ministry and becomes a great blessing to every believer — and ensures it remains true to its original mandate,
  • It helps to remain innovative — make adjustments — by continually submitting all plans and goals to The Holy Spirit,
  • It will eliminate any opportunity for the Religious Spirit and carnal man becoming the leader—which has been the common demise of past movements in the history of mankind,
  • It helps every new believer find their Purpose and Destiny through a group prophetic reading at some stage during the intentional discipleship process,
  • God changes an ordinary man’s heart, purpose, and direction with prophetic insights — its purpose is to edify, exhort, and comfort.

Transformed to transform others

“When God’s people are truly revived and renewed spiritually, it results in a new vision for a lost world and a new commitment to reach out to those who do not belong to Christ — evangelism is the fruit of revived hearts.” — Dr Billy Graham.

Many new followers of Jesus come with problems, generational issues/curses, and emotional baggage — but with intentional discipleship — deliverance weekends and emotional healing — they will become leaders of hundreds of cells.

Each time we fail or sin — including generational sins/curses, Satan renders a transcript of accusations in the courts of heaven against us before God (Zech. 3, Rev. 12:10) — in this way God cannot bless us, and the enemy achieves his goal of killing, stealing, and destroying our lives — (John 10:10.)

A disciple’s injuries must be healed so that they can be effective to lead, disciple and heal others.

This will happen organically when we transform the life of a new believer from the inside out.

Reclaim our Cities for God

We must teach others — How to Pray and take their city or region back for God.

Teach others our prayer and repentance strategy — (2 Chron.7:14.)— “How To Pray and Take Our
City Back”

Bogota Columbia — 20 years ago (1983), churches were very small — full of religion — legalism in Columbia — today (2002) revival is sweeping the entire nation — “Dream and you will win the world.” —Cesar Castellanos, G12 Publishers Florida USA.

South Korea — Yongi Cho founded a church in South Korea in 1958 at a time when the country was recovering from the Korean war and was poverty stricken — it peaked at close to 1 million worshippers — had a very deep impact on transforming South Korea — and today in South Korea some 28% of the population is Christian and the nation is prosperous.

Transfers (Converts) Vs. Discipleship

Preaching the gospel and winning souls without conserving the fruit (Discipleship) is like a mother who thinks her job is to give birth to her children and then abandons them — we need to win souls — but we must stop — nurture and disciple them to become soul winners — disciplers of others and social reformers in their mountain of influence.

The Great Commission

Mat 28:18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.

Mat 28:19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mat 28:20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

The Commandment

Implies a three-fold purpose — Transfer from Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light — Strengthen/Disciple — and Send into their Mountain of Influence.

7 Mountain Mandate

The 7 mountains of influence that God wants us to reform are.

Religion — Family — Education — Government — Media — Business — Arts/Entertainment.

Our mandate (Religion Mountain) is to Transfer — Disciple — Strengthen — and Send Biblically grounded Societal Reformers back in their mountain of influence — where every decision is influenced by a biblical worldview — the bible is their standard for every decision they make in both business, workplace, and their personal life.

Equip the Harvesters — Mandate

Our mandate is to equip the harvesters (new and maturing Christians) on how to apply Growing Deep and Strong® and the Find Your Destiny modules to,

  • Create a New Christian Training Hub anywhere in the world,
  • Provide online training programs — pre-recorded and live training,
  • Learn how to use Growing Deep and Strong® and Find Your Destiny in discipling New Christians,
  • Provide back up and ongoing support,
  • Supply the necessary materials.

New Christian Training Hub — (NCTC)

It has never been easier or cheaper to create a New Christian Training Hub anywhere in the world — Almost anyone can start their own New Christian Training Hub — discipling new Christians with our inexpensive and easy to use, new Christian Discipleship and Small Group Leadership programs — they’re simple to use, easy to understand — and takes a person from a pagan background to a small group leader discipling others in 12 months or less.

Growing Deep and Strong® (GDAS) — the Discipleship Path

Growing Deep and Strong® is an intentional Christian discipleship and small group leadership program to quickly transform the life of a new Christian.

It has been designed to take a person from a pagan background to a Small Group Leader discipling others in 12 months or less.

Growing Deep and Strong® gives you the ability to disciple and strengthen new believers in their faith quickly.

Training/discipleship it is not optional — it is at the core of our mandate. Growing Deep and Strong® is the discipleship backbone and foundation of every New Christians personal growth journey.

Growing Deep and Strong® Curriculum Features

  • Almost anyone (including a new Christian) with leadership or management skills could disciple others and learn at the same time,
  • Tailored to suit almost any group setting — one on one — small groups — class setting — via Zoom or something similar (excluding Encounter weekends),
  • Any location in the world,
  • Time frames — designed to suit everyone. — face to face sessions designed in one hour blocks.

Encounter Weekends

The Growing Deep and Strong® Discipleship path includes two Encounter Weekends where a new believer experiences the healing power of God and demonic strongholds are effectively dealt with in a safe and orderly environment.

10-Day Intensive

Spiritual babies need nurturing and protecting while they grow and are strengthened through the 19 weeks Basic Course—The optional choice is a 10-Day Intensive.

Inner Healing

Encounter Weekends are focussed on deliverance from demonic bondages — but for many new believers coming out of today’s fragmented society, they will need emotional healing — this needs to be part of the healing process and the ideal time frame would be after they have completed the Growing Deep and Strong® Basic Course — the following is a list of healing — (the ultimate goal is to train those whose natural gifting reveals this is a “discipling others” call on their lives).

A new disciple’s injuries must be healed so that they can be effective in helping heal others.

Find Your Destiny and Purpose

Everyone was born with a Destiny and Purpose and is written in their book in heaven (Psalm 139:16).

  • The purpose is to assist new Christians find their Destiny and Purpose,
  • It is a vital part of the discipleship journey,
  • It strengthens the Cell structure,
  • Builds better team interaction,
  • Ideally at the conclusion of the Growing Deep and Strong® Basic Course,
  • And equips believers to be more effective in penetrating their Mountain of Influence.

Discovery Process of Identifying Your God-Given gifts

The new Christian completes

  • DISC Personality Profile Test.
  • NLP Communication Style.
  • Motivational/Functional Gifts.
  • Prophetic Destiny Reading.

PS. These are available on the Find Your Destiny® website


  • When — in between GDAS Basic and Advanced Course
  • Or during the first stage of the GDAS Advanced Course.

Send — (Evangelism)

“When God’s people are truly revived and renewed spiritually, it results in a new vision for a lost world and a new commitment to reach out to those who do not belong to Christ — evangelism is the fruit of revived hearts.” — Dr Billy Graham.

This will happen organically when we transform the life of a new believer from the inside out.

The Evangelism Strategy — (1 Tim. 2:4)

  • TWIR — The War is Real module — intentional warfare prayer strategy, part one of the GDAS Advanced Course — (Acts 1:8)
  • G12 model of prayer applied within teachings in TWIR,
  • Destiny Readings — Parties — Find Your Destiny,
  • In the open cell groups,
  • Watch Behind the Scenes video.

Penetrating New Territory

The challenge with the following strategy is that it may not be duplicatable — BUT like Paul it could be a way of opening a new region — after 2 Chron 7:14 Prayer and repentance strategy is applied.

“I am speaking before audiences of many — standing before many — proclaiming the Word of God — The Holy Spirit is pouring in and through me — into others — I am calling people out — praying over them — healing the sick — the broken hearted — a supernatural side — words of
knowledge — miraculous healings — The Glory of the Lord is upon me — the Glory fell — we couldn’t speak — we all fell to the floor — At times I am a prophetic voice to some that are covered in “leprosy” and I tell them to dip in this river and they are healed like Elijah said to Namun”. — Prophecy — (Acts 1:8)

How to Choose your Twelve in a Movement

When a new believer has completed the Growing Deep and Strong® Basic Course, and Find Your Destiny self-development modules, have matured enough to create their own G12 cell — the following principles become the criteria.

  • Completed GDAS Basic Course
  • Person of prayer, and regular reader of the Bible,
  • Hold a clearly defined Biblical worldview,
  • Constantly communing with the Holy Spirit,
  • Dependent upon His Word,
  • Honest and living a holy life,
  • Desire to disciple others,

With these characteristics

  • They display a teachable spirit,
  • They will continually be at your side,
  • They will guard your back in prayer and integrity,
  • You will never be fearful of their betrayal,
  • They will defend your name,
  • They are not interested in “sitting in your chair,”
  • They don’t have a thirst for power or a takeover mentality.
  • They are a G12 team builder, building their own cell.

Relationship Process

To ensure the above has maximum potential for long term success and a healthy formation of a cell — the following steps need to be completed to ensure each individual within the Cell knows how each other “ticks” — and maximises the relational interaction and success of the Cell, each Cell member has completed.

  • Interview form,
  • DISC Personality Profile Test,
  • NLP Communication Style,
  • Motivational/Functional Gifts,
  • 5 Love Languages — discover your Love language,

The above information is held in a database for ongoing training etc.

Dare to dream

The world belongs to the one who is a visionary and dares to dream.

Dr  Yongi Cho and Cesar Castellanos understood the language of dreams,

  • “Dreams are the language of My spirit,”
  • The vision and dream are focused on Faith — Love — and Hope,
  • FAITH is for today — not for tomorrow,
  • HOPE is the dream itself — it is the vision of the future — it takes time and comes through continual work with a clear vision of the specific goal,
  • LOVE — The vision that the Lord gives us is based on our love for the lost and compassion for the restoration of their souls.

Nehemiah — Visionary — Dreamer — model

  • Nehemiah first submerged himself in the vision,
  • Then he did a detailed study of the plans,
  • As Nehemiah undertook the task — he kept the vision of a restored Jerusalem.

Develop a simple ability — Dare to Dream

“What do you want and when do you want it?” — God asked Cesar Castellanos.

Everything achieved — started with a dream from God — God first dreamed — planned — designed and then accomplished it.

  • Daring to dream implies glimpsing into the future — the main force driving a dreamer is that in developing faith and cherishing hope they can see things that are not — as if they are,
  • Looking into the future means having defined goals,
  • Like great Bible visionaries — our dreams must be submitted to God’s will,
  • Successful people learn how to cultivate hope in order to dream,
  • No Money — but had a dream — God does not need money — just a willing heart and commitment from a dreamer — He honours these two things — (Cesar Castellanos).
  • Never let circumstances kill dreams,
  • The glimpse into our future is sustained as we rest upon God’s promises.

IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE — the need for radical and continuous innovation is required — a willingness to break traditional ways of doing things — albeit always submitted to Holy Spirit.

When God renews our minds

  • He first gives us an attitude of nonconformity related to everything we do and everything we see around us,
  • He then brings new and innovative ideas,
  • Some may seem crazy — outrageous because they are so out of the ordinary,
  • But when these godly ideas are accepted internally — our mind is renewed.

There is tremendous power and innovation in the renewed mind, and reaching our dreams depends on this.

Innovation when aligned with the Creator of “imagination” and “dreamer” — will break old traditional “churchianity” models that don’t work.

It is necessary to make the Bible practical for everyone because the word of God is still effective in our time in history, and this is one of the foundational pillars in creating the Growing Deep and Strong® Movement.

The world belongs to people who are innovative — God desires that we be creative so that we can influence others in a positive manner.
Listening to God’s voice is essential for growth and progress (Isaiah 55:8,9).

Isa 55:8 “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.

Isa 55:9 For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

“Everything you have experienced up to this point has simply been preparation — from here on out, your ministry begins” — Cesar Castellanos—and I believe this applies to me as well.

Attitudes of success

Undertake great things for God, and he will do great things. — Know from the beginning exactly what God is wanting you to achieve.

On our road to success, we must remember that God has His appointed time to fulfil His plans and purposes for our lives.

Achieving success depends on the kinds of people we associate with.

God has given each one of us everything we need to be a winner in life.

Summary — Formula for Success

  • Learn to dream,
  • Discover your talents,
  • Renew your mind,
  • Establish your goals,
  • And surround yourself with trusted good friends
  • God’s anointing is for the multiplication of souls.

Seed for the Sower

2 Cor. 9:6-12

Growing Deep and Strong®
CBA—Commonwealth Bank Australia
BSB: 063 501
ACC: 1051 0896
PO Box 1488
Bairnsdale 3875
Victoria, Australia

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