After Alpha, what’s Next? - Growing Deep and Strong Skip to content

After Alpha, what’s Next?

After AlphaThere is no doubt the Alpha Course is an amazing program that has connected thousands of people around the world with the Christian Faith and introduced them to Jesus.

The question is, after Alpha, what’s next?

  • How do you grow your new believer to the next level?
  • How do help your new believer grow strong in their faith and become grounded in the word?
  • How do they apply the Bible to their everyday way of life?
  • How do you free them demonic bondages and past hurts?
  • How do you raise them up as leaders and disciplers of others?

Growing Deep and Strong®

These were the questions I asked myself in 2000 and after much prayer and many confirmations from God, I spent some 35,000 hours over six years to write the Growing Deep and Strong® Series, a 19 or 37 weeks Christian discipleship and leadership program that’s designed to take a person from a pagan background to a Christian Small Leader discipling Others in 12 months or less.

Create your own New Christian Training Centre

You can now start your own New Christian Training Centre discipling new Christians with our inexpensive and easy to use, new Christian Discipleship and Small Group Leadership programs

Discipling New Christians has never been easier, you can create your own New Christian Training Centre at any global location and in your time frames.

Each face to face teaching module is based on one hour time frames, so you can be discipling new Christians in the workplace at lunch time, or McDonald’s, Starbucks, your home, Skype, Zoom or any other convenient location.

 (Click Here to Review our Curriculum)

It has been designed to help you take a brand new follower of Jesus Christ to a Small Group Leader discipling others in 12 months or less.

If you have a burning desire to disciple others, this is for you. We have made it easy to use and simple to teach, we have given you all the Bible verses and commentaries in the Coach’s manual that you will ever need to disciple a new Christian.

It is biblically sound and easy to teach. It has been designed to empower ordinary Christians who have a desire to teach new believers on how to live a transformed life according to God’s word.

In the Coach’s manuals we have given you clear easy to follow instructions to implement the Growing Deep and Strong Series effectively.


Go and check it out! We are offering you the 120 page Coach’s manual, “Discipling Others.” for free. This comprehensive coach’s manual shows you how to transform the lives of new believers into radical followers of Jesus Christ – download your free copy now, click here.

Click here to order

Are you ready to take the next step and create your own new Christian Training Centre?

Its never been easier with our simple to use, inexpensive new Christian Discipleship and Small Group Leadership programs.

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