Coach’s Full Course Pack (GDAS-CFCP)
AUD $177.00
The Coach’s Full Course Pack contains the complete set of manuals (37 weeks) of the Growing Deep and Strong™ Series for new and maturing Christians.
It has been designed that almost anyone with proven management or leadership skills in any other field could coach new or maturing Christians and learn at the same time.
We have spent thousands and thousands of hours developing the Series and trialled it with multiple groups to make sure that almost anyone could pick up the coach’s manuals and by following our simple easy to follow instructions could begin to coach and disciple others.
The Coach’s Full Course Pack Includes:
The Basic Course is the first 19 weeks and consists of modules One and Two and is essential for all new or maturing Christians.
We strongly recommend that the Basic Course be completed as quickly as possible after their spiritual birth so that strong foundations are laid down in the life of a new believer and past baggage is dealt with quickly.
Coach’s Basic Course manuals:
- Laying the Foundation Coach
- Encounter One Weekend Presenter
- Power of Godly Character Coach
- Encounter Two Weekend Presenter
The Advanced Course is the second stage of the Growing Deep and Strong™ Series, it consists of modules 3 and 4 for the second 18 weeks of the 37 weeks.
It has been designed to help the Disciples discover their own unique God-given gifts and how they can best use their gifts as they serve God. It enables the disciples to reach out to others and become coaches themselves.
Coach’s Advanced Course manuals:
- The War is Real
- Discipling Others
PLEASE NOTE: The Growing Deep and Strong™ Series can only be used with the NKJV New Spirit Filled Life Bible and must be purchased separately.
Allow 14-21 days delivery from time of purchase.
The following gives you an overview of each session of the Coach’s Basic and Advanced Course,
©Laying The Foundation Topics (Module One)
Each session is broken into three parts
- VERBAL PRSENTATION —- First, as the coach you will present a 20-30 minute verbal presentation of the session topic, you simply read out aloud our pre-written presentation to your disciples. this has been designed as a one way dialogue and the disciples manuals have space to follow your verbal presentation and take notes.
- PERSONAL DISCOVERY —- Second, the disciples are given 65- 90 minutes to study the topic just presented and all bible verses have fill-ins to complete, and the Bible verses are page numbered making it easy for them to find the Bible verse, commentaries, etc.– this is usually spread over a week.—- the coach’s manual is filled in and this makes it easy to teach others.
- PERSONAL DISCOVERY REVIEW— Third, your manual has a list of questions at the end of each session, these have been designed as discussion points to ensure your disciples have grasped the topic.
- Once satisfied the disciple/s have understood the topic, you will sign and date the disciples manual
- At the conclusion of Laying The Foundation and Power of Godly Character —- you will present your disciples with a signed certificate of completion.
PLEASE NOTE: We have made this incredibly easy for almost anyone to coach and teach others.—YOU SIMPLY JUST THE STEPS we have created for you.
Session 1, A New Life
- This begins with presenting a descriptive background of the Bible to your disciples and teaching them,
- How to read and use the NKJV New Spirit Filled Life Bible we use,
- How to use the unique features in this Bible,
- Describe the Course outline and structure,
- Play the Behind The Scenes video,
- Reaffirm their commitment to be a follower of Jesus Christ
- and explain that a “transference” from the kingdom of Darkness to
the Kingdom of Light has taken place in their life.
Session 2, Kingdom of Darkness
This session is to identify and expose the evil Ruler, his evils spirits
and how they influenced the decisions they were making.
The purpose is,
- Expose how Satan and his evil spirits operate on earth,
- How darkness and Light are opposites,
- Nature and Character of our enemy,
- How they influenced their decisions,
- MOST IMPORTANTLY; if they “backslide” from their journey with Jesus, it is designed to make sure the new disciple realises what they are returning to.
Session 3, Kingdom of Light
In this session, you will introduce your disciples to the Godhead. For a new Christian, “Three are One” is confusing and to help the new believer, you will explain the term “Elohim” is Plural and over this session and the following two sessions you help them discover the three separate persons of the Godhead.
In this session, you will teach your disciples,
- The nature of God and use the parable of the “lost son” as the example,
- God is all consuming love,
- God is eternal, unchangeable, all powerful, all knowing, is everywhere,
- He is Righteous and Just and has give us eternal life through His Son.
Session 4, Why Jesus Came
in this session, you help them discover,
- How God designed Man to operate,
- What happened when Man fell,
- Why Jesus Christ had to come to earth as a human, and
- How God through Jesus Christ has restored Man’s mandate to exercise his authority or dominion with which he was created.
Session 5, Holy Spirit
In this session you help your disciples discover,
- Holy Spirit’s activity in Old Testament times,
- How He inspired the human writers of the Bible,
- How the Holy Spirit was involved in the life of Jesus,
- How He transformed the disciples and empowered them,
- Holy Spirit as a person and what that means,
- And how He works in our lives today.
Session 6, The existence of Angels
In this session you help your disciples discover what the Bible says about the existence of angels and.
- They are created beings,
- There are both good and bad angels,
- Good angels are in God’s Kingdom and are concerned with our well-being,
- Evil angels belong to the kingdom of darkness and serve Satan in his mission to kill, steal and destroy,
- Angels are involved in the affairs of mankind,
- Who they are, how they are organised,
- How the angels who serve God, minister to us.
- What the Bible says about angel worship and worshipping other spiritual beings.
Session 7, Spirit, Soul and Body
This session you explain to your disciples, the journey of sanctification after they were “born again,” the topics include,
- Our Spirit is born again,
- The three parts of man, spirit, soul and body,
- What it means to be a saint,
- We are in God’s workshop,
- God has a plan for our lives,
- God renews our mind and value system,
- Our mind, will and emotions,
- The journey of sanctification,
- How baggage from our old life can hinder us,
- And this prepares the new Christian for the Encounter One Weekend.
©Encounter One Weekend
©Encounter One Weekend is the climax of and completes the Module One of the basic course, where your disciples, experience the healing power of the cross in a safe environment, dealing with the baggage of the past, demonic influence, and generational curses, and learning how to walk in freedom from them.
Presenters Manual
Included in the Coach’s Basic Course, you have a comprehensive Encounter One Weekend Presenters Manual. and this gives you all the instructions on’
- How to prepare for an encounter weekend
- How to train your prayer warriors
- A run sheet/ weekend schedule
- Items needed list
- Teaching notes for every topic
©Encounter One Weekend includes teaching about,
- Power of the Cross
- Healing Power of Communion
- From Curse to Blessing
- Generational Curses
- Religious Spirit
- Unforgiveness
- Fear, doubt, and unbelief
- Rejection
- Witchcraft and occult
- Freemasonry
- Water Baptism (optional)
- Holy Spirit Baptism
- Gift of tongues
Certificate of Completion
At the conclusion of the Encounter Weekend, you will present each disciple with a Certificate Of Completion, this has been designed to recognise and reward their in wanting to change their lifestyle.
©Power Of Godly Character Topics (Module Two)
Module Two comprises of ten sessions and deals with developing godly character and lifestyle in your disciples. Power principles are addressed such as the power of praise and worship, talking with God, possessions, giving, our words, family, integrity, purity, and a second session on the family.
The last session is ©Encounter Two Weekend.
Session 1, Praise and Worship
In this session, your disciples will discover what the Bible says about praise and worship
- Why we should worship God,
- How we should worship God,
- Who worships God,
- God meets with us as we worship Him,
- God speaks to His people through worship,
- God inhabits our praises,
- The difference between praise and worship,
- Biblical expressions of praise and worship,
Session 2, Talking with God, Prayer
In this session, your disciples are taught the power of prayer and most importantly how to hear from God, they will discover,
- Prayer is NOT a religious duty, but
- A a two-way dialogue,
- They will learn how to talk with God,
- The power of using a “special” (tongues) language,
- We can expect to hear from God,
- The benefits of writing to God (journaling),
- 10 Biblical ways we can hear from God.
Session 3, Power of Possessions
The Bible has a lot to say about about money and the power of possessions and it covers such topics, in this session your disciples discover,
- We cannot serve two masters,
- Inappropriate love of possessions,
- Either they master us, or we master them,
- The peril of self sufficiency and covetousness,
- The peril of worry,
- Stewardship and debt,
- The principle of rest,
- The perils of a poverty mentality,
- God desires to give us wealth,
- Yet, abundance is not our point of trust.
Session 4, Power of Giving
In this session your disciples discover the Biblical principles and the power of giving.
You will teach them what the Bible says about,
- Christian liberality,
- Having an attitude of giving,
- God loves a cheerful giver,
- Doing good to those in the household of faith,
- Doing good to those who teach,
- Caring for the Lord’s workers,
- Doing good for the poor,
- and human responsibility and stewardship.
Session 5, The Power of Words
In this session, your disciples will discover the power of the words they speak, and it covers the following topics,
- Life and death is in the power of the tongue,
- Our words can be powerfully positive,
- Or powerfully negative,
- They can destroy or build up,
- The power of God’s word,
- The power of positive words,
- The power of negative words,
- Taming the tongue,
- What is the source of an unruly evil tongue,
- Consequences of our spoken words,
- And steps on how to repent for the words we have spoken.
Session 6, the Power of Parenthood
This session reveals what God’s word says about how He designed
the family to be a place of safety and security for children and grow
in a godly environment.
In this session your disciples will learn,
- The miracle of human birth and God’s design,
- Loving and caring for children honours God,
- How God sees children,
- How a child sees parents,
- Parents responsibility to raise children,
- A child learns by example, (good or bad),
- Obedience and Biblical discipline,
- Types of discipline,
- And guidelines for administering discipline.
Session 7, Power of Integrity
In this session your disciples learn the core values of integrity that are meant to built into our lives during our teenage years, and this session covers the following topics,
- Heeding parental instruction,
- Honouring parents,
- Formulating values,
- Walking in integrity,
- The application of Integrity,
- The power of a positive thought life,
- The problems of lawlessness,
- Society’s package Vs. God’s package,
- God’s word and practical, fruitful living,
- Power of submission,
- and changing heart attitudes.
Session 8, Power of Purity
In this session your disciples will discover what the bible has to say about the power of purity and covers the following topics,
- God’s design for our body, temple of the Holy Spirit,
- Sexual morality,
- Forgiveness for past moral corruption,
- Who defrauds whom with immorality?
- The problems associated with pornography,
- Purity in dress,
- Power of a marriage partnership,
- And the sexual relationship in a marriage.
Session 9, Power of a Godly Family
In this session, you will help your disciples discover what the Bible has to say about,
- The privilege of marriage,
- Roles and responsibilities of husband and wife,
- Leave and cleave,
- A helper, help meet,
- Unequally quoked,
- Husband’s responsibilities,
- Wife’s responsibilities,
- Marriage covenant,
- Keeping a soft heart toward each other,
- What about Divorce?
- What about an unbelieving spouse?
- Single parents,
- Power of parenthood,
- what does the Bible say about abortion?
- And creating a Christian heritage.
©Encounter Two Weekend
©Encounter Two Weekend climaxes and concludes Module Two of the basic course, where ungodly character issues that may have come to the surface in this Module are addressed in a safe and confidential environment.
Demonic influences and other blocks to the development of godly character are removed so that the disciples can walk in freedom from them and live in the power of godly character.
Presenters Manual
Included in the Coach’s Basic Course, you have a comprehensive Encounter One Weekend Presenters Manual. and this gives you all the instructions on’
- How to prepare for an encounter weekend
- How to train your prayer warriors
- A run sheet/ weekend schedule
- Items needed list
- Teaching notes for every topic
©Encounter Two Weekend includes the following topics,
- The power of the Cross,
- Jesus has the keys to victory,
- Communion, and the benefits,
- Power of offence,
- Power of words,
- Power of curses,
- Power of Integrity,
- Power of possessions,
- House cleaning,
- Power of giving,
- Power of purity,
- Soul ties.
Certificate of Completion
At the conclusion of the Encounter Weekend, you will present each disciple with a Certificate Of Completion, this has been designed to recognise and reward their in wanting to change their lifestyle.
This concludes the basic course, in 19 weeks or a 10 day intensive you have transformed the life of a new believer and prepared them for the Advanced Course, where they learn to reach out to the lost in there circle of influence and begin to disciple them.
When God’s people are truly revived and renewed spiritually, it results in a new vision for a lost world and a new commitment to reach out to those who do not belong to Christ — evangelism is the fruit of revived hearts — Dr Billy Graham.
Advanced Course: 2nd 18 weeks
The Advanced Course Disciples Manual is the second stage of the Growing Deep and Strong™ Series, it consists of modules 3 and 4 (18 weeks) the new disciple discovers their God-given gifts and enables the disciples to reach out to others and become coaches themselves.
The Advanced Course consists of these manuals:
- The War is Real
- Discipling Others
Module 3. The War Is Real (Advanced Course)
Module Three is aimed at teaching and equipping the disciples to pray for the people they know who remain in the kingdom of darkness.
Firstly, it is designed to help them discover their own unique God-given gifts and how can best use their gifts as they serve God and help others.
Secondly, this module teaches on spiritual warfare, combining prayer, worship, intercession and fasting as spiritual weapons against the enemy who has blinded these people.
The third aspect is to help the disciples apply the principles of prayer warfare practically by targeting three people in their circle of influence and praying for them over a 40 day period with the aim of seeing them come into the kingdom of God.
New converts from prayer evangelism
New disciples of Jesus should be the result of prayer warfare and evangelism. This is how new groups of brand new believers can be multiplied. Ideally, the person who prayed new believers into God’s kingdom would follow them up, and become their coach.
With the oversight of their current coach they would assist the new believer to begin Module One of the Basic Course while they themselves complete Module Four of the Advanced Course.
Session 1, Gifts of the Father
In this session you will help the disciple discover the spiritual gifts that God the Father has given them. this is based on the teachings of Don and Katie Fortune (Discover your God-Given Gifts and used with permission) each of the seven gifts in Romans 12:6-8 is explained.
Session 2, Gifts of the Spirit
In this session you will teach your disciples on what the Bible says about the gifts of the Spirit and how Holy Spirit will operate and manifest in their lives. you will help your disciples identify the nine gifts of the Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12: 4-6.
Session 3, The Way We Were
In this session, you will remind them of where they were before they began their journey as a follower of Jesus Christ and many of their freinds remain in the kingdom of darkness and God desires all men to be saved.
Session 4, God’s Heart For Mankind
In this session, you teach your disciples that God desires all of mankind be rescued from the kingdom of darkness, we are in spiritual warfare and Jesus has commissioned us to “go into all the world—.”
Session 5, The War Room
In this session, you begin to teach your disciples strategies for waging spiritual warfare and practical steps on how to receive instructions and strategies to rescue others within their circle of influence from the kingdom of darkness. Plus you will teach them the power of worship as a warfare tool.
Session 6, Warfare Prayer Strategies
In this session, you will train your disciples for war between the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of Light and how God will use them to wage war for the salvation of three people within there circle of influence. Plus how to team up with other disciples within your group and collectively as a team wage war.
Session 7, Praying For Breakthrough
In this session, you will help your disciples discover the power of prayer with fasting. Some practical steps on fasting, creating warfare prayer as a daily routine and listening closely to Holy Spirit as He continues to reveal strategies to remove the blindfolds from the eyes of those who they are praying for.
Session 8, The Lord of Breakthrough
In this session, you will continue to teach them on the different warfare strategies for different occasions, the Godhead and the hosts of heavens are fighting with us. PS. from session 5 onwards, not only have you been teaching them, but you have been helping your disciples apply the principles of spiritual warfare to rescue others from the kingdom of darkness.
Session 9, Sent Out By Jesus
This session, concludes 40 days of warfare prayer, fasting, worship warfare, strategically praying, being led by Holy Spirit, discovering their God-given gifts and now reaching out to those they have been praying for and rescuing them from the kingdom of darkness. PLUS, preparing to disciples the new converts.
Module 4. Discipling Others (Advanced Course)
Module Four is designed to help the disciple develop leadership skills to coach new believers through Module One and Two of the basic course, and also to lead small groups of Christians effectively as they grow and multiply.
Your role has now changed, you have taken your disciples on a journey, from spiritual babies, to young spiritual adults developing a Godly character to themselves birthing new spiritual babies.
The best way to describe your role in Discipling Others, is almost akin to becoming grandparents and helping your children raise their children.
PS. these sessions are usually only about 15- 30 minutes as they are being run concurrently with them teaching their new spiritual babies the Basic Course 19 weeks Growing Deep and Strong® Curriculum.
Session 1, Introducing Growing Deep and Strong ®
In this session, with your disciples (who are now taking on the role as a coach), your show the the new converts ther Behind The Scenes video, reaffirm their conversion and explain the importance of good discipleship and the benefits of participating in the Growing Deep and Strong ® program.
Session 2, A New Parent
in this session your disciple has begun teaching their new disciples and your role is to teach them on how to present each topic in the Basic Course.
Session 3, Baby Talk
.In this session, you teach them about the importance of baby talk, most likely their new disciples have no biblical knowledge and it is important to avoid any “Christianese” language, simply follow the steps we teach in the Coach’s manuals.
Session 4, Caring For Children
In this session, you are reinforcing that it can be a messy process raising new spiritual children, how important it is to invest the time and effort in developing new Christians. how they themselves one day will be discipling others and the effectiveness of this will be relevant to how much effort they put into their new disciples.
Session 5, Son’s Equipping Gifts–Part One
In this session, you will teach them about how Jesus had commanded us to “Go and make disciples——.” not just create converts, but disciple our new converts. Plus you will teach them on the Five-Fold ministry gifts that Jesus has given us.
Session 6, Son’s Equipping Gifts–Part Two
In this session, you will expand on the Five Fold ministry based around what Ephesians 4:11-12 teaches and the practical application.
Session 7, Caring For Adolescents
in this session, you will teach your disciples about the importance of birthing and raising spiritual children that hold a biblical worldview and become people of influence and tomorrows leaders within society and dispelling the influence of the kingdom of darkness within society.
Session 8, Preparing for Encounter
in this session,
- you will teach about the importance of the Encounter Weekends and assist with helping them run successful Encounter Weekends.
- The importance of prayer warfare for the Encounter Weekend
- The purpose and theme of session 7 “Spirit, Soul and Body,
- Team training for the Encounter Weekend,
- And team debriefing after the Encounter Weekend.
Additional information
Weight | 5.276 kg |
Dimensions | 32 × 26 × 11 cm |