Ahab and Jezebel Spirit
What has the Ahab and Jezebel Spirit got to do with todays society?
Over the past few generations, particularly since the invention of television, we have seductively seen the role of men as a husband and father in society be slowly eroded away.
The common denominator in many TV shows and movies is the subtle inference, “men are dumb, women are much superior and need to rescue men and society from their dumb inferior intelligence.
Biblical history of Ahab & Jezebel
Who was Ahab?
Briefly, Ahab was a king of Israel, and the Bible tells us, Ahab was already sinning against God before he married Jezebel, but he made it worse by violating God’s commands against Israelites marrying foreigners, and Ahab made the worship of Baal and Asherah acceptable in Israel.
1 Kings 16:33 says “he did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel than all the kings of Israel who were before him.” NKJV
Who was Jezebel?
We learn in 1 Kings 16:31, Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, who was king of the Sidonians (or Phoenicians), Sidonians worshipped several pagan gods, most notably Baal and Ashtoreth the moon goddess.
Ahab married Jezebel, and that union led Ahab to serve and worship Baal and other foreign gods.
1Kings 16:31 says, “And as though it were not enough to follow the sinful example of Jeroboam, he married Jezebel, the daughter of King Ethbaal of the Sidonians, and he began to bow down in worship of Baal”. NKJV.
And 1 Kings 21:25 says, “Surely there was no one like Ahab who sold himself to do evil in the sight of the Lord because Jezebel his wife incited him.” NKJV
When Jezebel married Ahab, she influenced him to worship Baal, a nature god. As a woman seeking more power, she sought to destroy those who questioned her, and most of the prophets of Yahweh were murdered at her request.
This was the “first time” that a king of Israel had allied himself by marriage with a heathen princess; and the alliance created disastrous results for Israel.
Jezebel has stamped her name on history as the representative of all that is designing, crafty, malicious, revengeful, and cruel.
She was the first great instigator of persecution against the saints of God. Guided by no Godly principles, restrained by no fear of either God or man, passionate in her attachment to her heathen worship, she spared no pains to maintain idolatry around her in all its splendor. she created an internal conflict that plagued Israel for decades.
How does the Ahab and Jezebel model apply to you and me?
The answer to that question lies in your understanding of the characteristics seen in men and women as the result of the influence of the spirit of Ahab and the spirit of Jezebel.
Working together the spirits of Ahab and Jezebel will quietly form a co-dependent relationship. Both will need to feed off each other in order to accomplish each one’s goals. A person who is influenced by an Ahab spirit will need someone influenced by a Jezebel spirit to maintain position and enlarge or entrench a power base.
The abdicating nature of Ahab empowers Jezebel. She resists and opposes true godly authority and desires to control and exercise power over everyone.
Over the past few generations, particularly since the invention of television, we have seductively seen the role of men as a husband and father in society be slowly eroded away.
The common denominator in many TV shows and movies is the subtle inference, “men are dumb, women are much superior and need to rescue men and society from their dumb inferior intelligence.
But what does the Bible Say?
In The Passion Translation Bible, Ephesians 5:22,23 says this, “For wives, this means being supportive to your husbands like you are tenderly devoted to our Lord, Vs.23 for the husband provides leadership for the wife, just as Christ provides leadership for his church, as the Savior and Reviver of the body.” TPT
God’s order for the family is a line of authority and responsibility that begins with Jesus Christ, then the husband, then the wife and finally the children. This is God’s plan, but hell has been attacking this plan for thousands of years. And hell’s assault continues even more so in today’s society.
The result of hell’s assaults is a family and society that is “out of Godly alignment.” In many circumstances, the wife has taken the assertive leadership role and the husband has taken a laid-back approach, and this alignment pervades every aspect of society and Godly family relationships.
The Spirit of Jezebel
A Jezebel Spirit can apply to a male or female, Jezebel is referred to as “she” but has no gender.
It is important to know that while men in a position of leadership are the main target, Jezebel is more attracted to the uniqueness of the female personality and its ability to manipulate without the use of physical force.
In other words, Jezebel will target women who are embittered against men, whether through neglect or misuse of authority. It will influence women who, because of insecurity, jealousy or vanity, and a desire to dominate others.
The spirit of Jezebel operates in deception and rebellion. Not only does it cause a person to deceive others, but it will also try to deceive its’ victim into believing they have not given in to it.
Because of its hatred for God, you see it raging in the world today through feminism, abortion, and seduction.
Jezebel often gains a place as a generational curse and although you did not intentionally give in to it.
In Exodus 20:5 The bible tells us, “You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me.” NLT
Please note, if no one in your past four generations has not repented, the chances are that the Jezebel or Ahab spirit may have a foothold in your life.
Symptoms of a Jezebel Spirit
As I list some of these symptoms, other people may start coming to your mind. That is a trait of the Jezebel Spirit, it is always someone else, it’s never you. The Jezebel Spirit sets up others to look bad.
The following, is a list of the symptoms of a Jezebel Spirit, disciples tick of the boxes that you feel may apply to you or your past generations. My personal recommendation is that you tick all the boxes, it is difficult to know what sins our past generations have committed and let’s not give it any further legal rights in our lives.
Tick off the boxes that apply to you and your past generations
- It’s always someone else, never you,
- Operates openly with blatant, or bad behaviour, or, sometimes more subtly through flirting or tilting of the head, or, maybe pouting is your style,
- Whatever it takes to get your way, to make yourself heard, to get control,
- Self-willed,
- Seeks predictability,
- Fiercely independent,
- Intensely ambitious,
- Critical and judgmental,
- You think it’s “just my personality style,”
- A reputation that says, “Don’t argue with me, You’ll lose?”
- Leaves others feeling hopeless, defeated, and sorry for the day they ever came against you?
- Desires to control others,
- Tends to intimidate others,
- Desires to control the environment or situations,
- Wants to dominate and control everyone in the family, work, or any other environment they are in,
- They are the only one capable of doing a task,
- Can only trust in myself to complete a task,
- Manipulates others to gain control,
- Inability to trust others,
- Prone to lying or “twisting” the truth,
- Causes constant division and strife,
- Cannot fully submit to authority,
- Rebellious,
- Has great difficulty in relationships that she cannot control,
- Seeks attention and places of influences,
- Can’t find time to pray or spend time with the Lord because other things take pre-eminence.
- Threatened by a prophetic leader,
- Threatened by those with prophetic gifts,
- Desires to control those with prophetic gifts
- When confronted, justifies their actions with phrases like, “I’m just following God” or “God told me to do this.”
- Avoids accountability, prefers to pray for people in isolated situations,
- Wants to be seen as one of the most spiritual ones in the church,
- The families of people under Jezebel’s influence are often dysfunctional and out of order,
- Jezebel is usually in alignment with a religious spirit,
- The abdication of an Ahab Spirit empowers a Jezebel spirit to operate
Spirit of Jezebel Prayer
Now is the time to repent, renounce and break the Jezebel curse on your life. Get some olive oil (this is what they commonly used in Bible times.) because at the end of the prayer you are going to anoint yourself. When ready, pray this prayer.
Dear Lord, I come before you on behalf of my ancestors and myself,
I repent, of being self-willed, self-centred, and controlling, of being critical and judgmental, or being idolatrous, of lying and deceiving, of manipulating, of being independent and self-reliant, or being angry and hating, stirring up trouble, and of being furious when I am denied my own way.
I repent for stopping the spiritual gifts from flowing in my home and in my church.
I repent, of giving place, to witchcraft, the occult and to rebellion. I repent of giving place to murder, to death, and bringing death around me, killing off relationships, headships, and hope.
And in Jesus name, I repent and renounce the spirit of jezebel, that would control, or manipulate me. I break every hex, every curse, every covenant, every agreement, every soul tie, every spirit tie, every act of witchcraft. every spell and incantation, every ritual and ceremony. every sacrifice and blood sacrifice, every act of voodoo, and every act of rebellion.
And in the name of Jesus, I choose to be a submitted follower of Jesus Christ, to come under the covering and protection that has been given to me, and in the name of Jesus, I break all agreements and ties to a Jezebel Spirit.
I choose this day to receive the anointing that destroys the hold this spirit has had upon my life.
Lord Jesus, I know, because of Your Word and my will to be set free, as I apply the anointing oil to my forehead, I will be free to receive a fresh infilling of Your Holy Spirit today in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!
Your next step is to apply the anointing oil to your forehead. Once done, place your hands on your stomach and command the spirit of jezebel to leave your soul and to never return and influence your life.
By faith and your confession expect the Jezebel spirit to leave your body and then ask the Holy Spirit to fill you where this spirit once resided in your soul.
Ahab Spirit
Ahab, the seventh king of Israel, “did more evil in the sight of the Lord than all who were before him” (1 Kings 16:30). He promoted and participated in Baal and Ashtoreth worship. He allowed sexual rites—homosexuality, bestiality, and every disgraceful perversion—and prostitution in the temple of God. Men and women volunteered to serve as prostitutes.
Ahab is also known for his double-mindedness. He was often found waffling between righteousness and the ungodly ways of Jezebel, his wife.
The dynamic between Ahab and Jezebel provides for us a picture for how double-mindedness works. Ahab portrays the inward manifestation of double-mindedness (or rejection). He was fearful and full of lust, insecurity and self-pity. He was envious, pouty and ridden with guilt and shame.
Ahab would pout in rejection, and Jezebel would rise up to retaliate in rebellion.
The Ahab spirit is lustful, weak, fearful and tolerates wickedness. King Ahab allowed Jezebel to bring in the worship of Baal. His spirit is passive and will not stand up for righteousness. This inward and withdrawn personality is also wicked and needs to be renounced and cast out. God hates rejection just as He hates rebellion.
King Ahab allowed Jezebel to usurp his authority as a husband and leader and Jezebel often used his name and authority to achieve what she wanted.
She manipulates and controls leadership and attempts to fill the Ahab vacuum with power plays, lies and even religious works. She uses the vacated leadership platform of Ahab to accuse others of what she has done.
1 Kings 21:8-10 says, “So she wrote letters in Ahab’s name and sealed them with his seal and sent letters to the elders and to the nobles who were living with Naboth in his city. Now she wrote in the letters, saying, ‘Proclaim a fast and seat Naboth at the head of the people; and seat two worthless men before him, and let them testify against him, saying, “You cursed God and the king.” Then take him out and stone him to death.’” NLT
The life of Ahab shows us principles to avoid. His life is a prime example of what a man should not be. Ahab considered the things of God as being trivial.
The ultimate goal of the Spirit of Ahab is the destruction of God ordained authority and responsibility in the Family, in society, in the Body of Christ, and in the Ecclesia. A spirit of Ahab symbolizes the giving up of authority and vacating the responsibility of God-given leadership.
The Ahab spirit primarily affects men in an attempt to destroy the male and his role of authority and responsibility.
God’s order for the family is a line of authority and responsibility that begins with Jesus Christ, then the husband, then the wife and finally the children.
Rejection and Arrested Development
Sometimes people who have experienced significant rejection early in life, that is, from conception to the age of seven, get stuck mentally and emotionally and an Ahab spirit invades there soul.
And as a result, they remain childlike in their understanding of life, in processing emotions, and in their behaviour toward others, often being selfish and self-centred. It is as if they have been frozen in time. This is called arrested development.
An individual with an Ahab spirit will often make truces instead of relationships. They have a mind-set that avoids confrontation and denies fault. Someone with an Ahab spirit would rather make peace at any cost, even if it leads to making unholy alliances.
How can you have a truce with someone who is out to destroy you? It is impossible, but a person with an Ahab spirit will always sacrifice the future good for peace at almost any price.
The Ahab spirit causes a man to be wishy-washy and unstable in all his ways. King Ahab was weak and vacillating in the face of his powerful wife, Jezebel. He gave his authority, as king, to his wife and even when she abused it, he remained passive, avoiding confrontation, and let her have her own way.
Leadership by default
Quite often the wife receives the head position of the home because the Ahab husband doesn’t want it, it takes too much energy.
Most people do not realize that if a home is out of order, it will come under a curse. Too many fathers, through rebellion and lust, have not lived a godly example to their wife and children. The end result of this neglect opens the door for rebellious spirits to enter the wife and the children.
Too many men fail to provide spiritual leadership in their homes and then, too often, the spirit of Jezebel surfaces in the wife causing the wife to be forced into headship of the home which is totally demonic. This is a very serious part of the Ahab spirit at work.
Symptoms of an Ahab Spirit
The operation of this spirit is likely to be generational, and the characteristics I am about to share will seem familiar as you reflect on your past generations.
An Ahab spirit can affect you as a single man or in your marriage, your home, your family, your job., and amongst fellow believers.
Please note, that a Jezebel spirit can only operate in a situation where there is an Ahab spirit at work.
As men, God has given you the authority and leadership responsibility for your homes. God wants men to rise up and take their God ordained place as both husband and priest in our homes. God has equipped men to be all that He has called and created them to be.
The Ahab spirit is hell’s assignment is to strip men of their dignity, authority, identity, and kill all hope that they can fulfill their God-given authority in society.
Are you ready to rise up against this destructive spirit in your life?
Let’s not give it any further legal rights in our lives.
The following is a list of the symptoms of an Ahab Spirit, Disciples tick of the boxes that you feel may apply to you or past generations. My personal recommendation is that you tick all the boxes, it is difficult to know what your past generations have committed
- It does not like confrontation,
- Strong desire to make everyone happy,
- Afraid of rejection,
- Fears abandonment and becomes clingy, needy and helpless,
- Expecting bad things to take place,
- Always feel a failure, unaccepted, insecure,
- Have low self-esteem and try to gain ground by winning acceptance,
- If someone is angry with you then you believe it must be your fault,
- Believe it is your duty to make everyone happy and comfortable,
- Believe what others say about you (if they say you are not a good person then you believe it),
- Have given up much of the responsibility of headship of the family, physically and/or spiritually, by
- Letting your wife be responsible for spiritual things (“she’s more spiritual than me anyway; being spiritual is for women anyway, not for men},
- Letting your wife handle the finances,
- Letting your wife handle virtually all the child rearing and child discipline matters,
- Suffer from a fear of failure – “It’s easier not to try than fail, especially in spiritual matters; she prays better than you do, etc.
- You’re feeling a little intimidated by your wife,
- You’re feeling that your wife is domineering,
- Thus, you’re head of the home in name only – husband, father,
- You engage in a form of idolatry, putting your own needs above all else,
- You tend to rebel by doing what YOU want to do even though you know it’s wrong and possibly harmful to your marriage and your family,
- Believe you should always act happy in spite of hardship or trouble, Happiness and peace are based on current circumstances and how loved, affirmed and accepted you feel,
Spirit of Ahab Prayer
Now is the time to repent, renounce and break the Jezebel curse on your life. Get some olive oil (this is what they commonly used in Bible times.) because at the end of the prayer you are going to anoint yourself.
When ready, pray this prayer.
Dear Lord, I confess on behalf of my ancestors and myself that I have partnered with the spirit of Ahab in my life, in my marriage, in my family, in my job, and in society, I confess that there have been times where I have been passive, lazy, indecisive, reflected apathy and indifference,
That I have given up responsibility for family leadership to my wife, placed my own wants and desires above all else and thereby engaged in a form of idolatry.
Where I have feared failure and avoided exercising spiritual leadership, have rebelled against my wife, my family and you God by doing what I wanted to do even when I knew that it was wrong.
I have self-justified and rationalized these behaviors, I have engaged in manipulation using even sulking, pouting, silence, or anger to get my own way and have sought peace at all costs.
Lord God, I repent of these sins, named and unnamed where I have partnered with the spirit of Ahab. I ask you to forgive me of these sins.
Spirit of Ahab in Jesus name I repent of all partnership with you, and I renounce you now. I take my authority as a man of God, and I break your hold on my life now in Jesus’ name! and I break any generational curses of the spirit of Ahab that have come to me, through my father and my mother’s family line all the way back to Adam.
I break every hex, every curse, every vow, every spell, every incantation, every witchcraft, every word, every jinx, every unholy soul tie and spirit tie, every covenant, every sacrifice and blood sacrifice, every handwriting of assignment against me and every occult influence that would have given strength to the spirit of Ahab in Jesus name.
I choose this day to receive the anointing that destroys the hold this spirit has had upon my life.
Lord Jesus, I know, because of Your Word and my will to be set free, as I apply the anointing oil to my forehead, I will be free to receive a fresh infilling of Your Holy Spirit today in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!
Your next step is to apply the anointing oil to your forehead. Once done, place your hands on your stomach and command the spirit of Ahab to leave your soul and to never return and influence your life.
By faith and your confession expect the Ahab spirit to leave your body and then ask the Holy Spirit to fill you where this spirit once resided in your soul.
I trust that this has helped your Christian journey. This repentance prayer is part of our 20-week Basic Christian Discipleship path for new and growing Christians. More information is available on our website — you can download a comprehensive PDF Brochure or download a FREE copy of our Discipling Others manual.
Carl is a follower of Jesus Christ; Founder and Author of the Christian Discipleship and Leadership program called the Growing Deep and Strong® Series. He is also the Founder and Director of Find Your Destiny™.
His mandate is to be a catalyst and facilitator in developing people who will become leaders and disciplers of others and to create an environment that creates leaders that transform nations.