The Kingdom of Light
In our Growing Deep and Strong® series we looked at the Kingdom of Light, which has God as its head. Now that new Christians understand that they are now in a new kingdom, we want them to get to know from the Bible who the ruler of the Kingdom of Light is, and how He relates to them.
God is the Ruler of the Kingdom of Light
Many have the unfounded belief that God is just an ogre who has a big stick about to punish anyone who puts their toe over the line. Actually, that is a lie from the Kingdom of Darkness, and could not be further from the truth.
God of Love
Rather than being vindictive, God is a God of love, not willing that any should perish. So, in Sessions 3 to 5 in we introduce God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit as the three Persons of the Godhead.
God the Father is not only all-knowing, and all-powerful and so on, but He is also all-loving. He has unconditional love; He puts our sin away from us as far as the east is from the west. He is the One who gives us the free gift of eternal life through faith in His son, Jesus Christ.
Why Jesus Came
In Session 4 the new Christians are introduced to Jesus Christ, and why He came to earth. Whereas the Devil came only to kill, steal, and destroy, Jesus came to give life—life to the full. And He came to destroy the works of the Devil and end his domination over human beings. Also, seeing that He went through the whole gamut of human life, He understands all our feelings. And He came to give us peace and rest because He understands what we go through. How different from the Kingdom of Darkness!
God loves us so much that He planned that Jesus His Son should come to earth to take on Himself all our diseases. So as well as carrying away all our sin on the Cross, we can rely on Him as our Healer, and also began the process of restoring rightful dominion to those who believe in Him, so that they could be restorers of life and bring healing to others as well.
Who the Holy Spirit Is
In Session 5 we go on to introduce the person of the Holy Spirit. I have heard people refer to the Holy Spirit as “it”. But He is a person, the third person of the Godhead, and new Christians need to get to know Him as a person.
He is the One who lives inside of us as Christians. He is our Helper, and He is the One who gives us the power to live as God designed us to live. Actually, He inspired the 40 different writers of the Bible over 1500 years to write a book that is consistent from cover to cover, and today He is the One who leads us into all the truth as we read the Bible.
The Holy Spirit Today
Jesus promised us that He would be with us always, even to the end of the world.
He has fulfilled His promise by sending us the Holy Spirit who will be with us and in us forever. Just think of that! The Holy Spirit is right here with us—everywhere we go, all the time. He wants to develop a personal relationship with us, make Jesus real to us, and help us walk in the truth. And because He lives in us, He is the guarantee that we will receive everything that He has promised in the Bible. What a fantastic truth!
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Carl is a follower of Jesus Christ; Founder and Author of the Christian Discipleship and Leadership program called the Growing Deep and Strong® Series. He is also the Founder and Director of Find Your Destiny™.
His mandate is to be a catalyst and facilitator in developing people who will become leaders and disciplers of others and to create an environment that creates leaders that transform nations.
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