Two Spiritual Kingdoms - Growing Deep and Strong Skip to content

Two Spiritual Kingdoms

two spiritual kingdomsIn our Growing Deep and Strong® series we introduced the concept of two spiritual kingdoms in the video presentation, Behind the Scenes. One is called the Kingdom of Darkness, of which Satan is the ruler, and the other is the Kingdom of Light, which has God as its head. Just as darkness and light are complete opposites, so are these two kingdoms.

The good news is that when we receive Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour, God transfers us from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light, the kingdom of His beloved Son. We become citizens of a new kingdom!

Two Kingdoms Explained

Someone wisely said, “You don’t really know where you are going until you have understood where you have been.” That is a good comment. So, in Sessions 2 and 3 in Growing Deep and Strong® we take a closer look at these two kingdoms so that the new Christian can see what they have been rescued from and what the new kingdom they have been transferred into is like.

The nature of the Kingdom of Darkness is to keep its subjects in the dark as to its true nature and in bondage to the demands Satan places on them.

The Kingdom of Darkness

The kingdom of DarknessAs new believers in Jesus Christ, people need to understand where they have been, and through God’s Word have their eyes opened as to what the Kingdom of Darkness is really like, and the consequence of staying in that kingdom.

We look at the ruler of the Kingdom of Darkness, Satan, and find out from the Bible that he is out to kill, steal and destroy.

Who would want to follow someone like that? But the good news is that as Christians we have been rescued from all of that, and now enjoy a completely different life.

We also find out from the Bible about the slaves of Satan, a great host of evil spirits under his control, apart from his human subjects, and how these spiritual agents of Satan exercise their control over human beings.

But as Christians, citizens of the Kingdom of Light, we no longer have to be subject to Satan’s agents with all of their destructive activities. God has set us free from their power!

The Kingdom of Light

The Kingdom of LightHaving looked at the kingdom of Darkness in the last session, and the nature and character of its ruler, Satan, we go on in the next session to look at the Kingdom of Light and to find out something of God’s nature and character as the King of the kingdom of Light. What an incredible difference there is!

It is great to see something of who God really is. That means that in the journey new Christians have begun in life, nothing is outside of His control. And everything He does, is done out of love.

We find out from the Bible that God is light, so different from Satan. And seeing that we are now in God’s kingdom, we can walk in the light, which makes a dramatic change on our minds and on the whole way we live as Christians.

The Radical Difference

There is a radical difference between the Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of Light. The nature of the Kingdom of Darkness is spiritual slavery and leads to eternal death—separation from God and from everyone else; but the nature of the Kingdom of Light is eternal life.

That starts at the point of new birth and continues forever as we walk the journey of life with our fellow Christians. We need to understand where we have been so that we can see where we are going.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hi ,my name is Solomon. I’m so excited about the way the gospel is presented. I would like to have more updates and upgrades on discipleship.

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