Ahab and Jezebel Spirit What has the Ahab and Jezebel Spirit got to do with todays society? Over the past few generations, particularly since the invention of television, we have…
Ahab and Jezebel Spirit What has the Ahab and Jezebel Spirit got to do with todays society? Over the past few generations, particularly since the invention of television, we have…
Is Tattooing and Body Piercing a Sin? The simple answer is yes! Tattooing and body piercing is a sin. The Makers Handbook (The Bible) for Humans spells it out very…
Strategies of a religious spirit Through the centuries a religious spirit has relentlessly attacked and paralysed thousands of churches, ruined countless numbers of lives. And unfortunately it has invaded many…
Can a Christian be demonised? In the Christian community, the question, Can a Christian be demonised? is highly debated and controversial. From my life’s experience, the answer is yes. Allow…
Spirit, Soul and Body Spirit, Soul and Body, In our Growing Deep and Strong® series Module 1, we have looked at how God transfers us from the Kingdom of Darkness…
Pagan Christianity I believe it took courage for Frank Viola and George Barna to write the book Pagan Christianity. The book makes an unsettling proposal, most of what present day…
This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti The book, This Present Darkness written by Frank Peretti was the turning point for my "conversion" to Christianity. It is a "novel" written about…
Two Spiritual Kingdoms In our Growing Deep and Strong® series we introduced the concept of two spiritual kingdoms in the video presentation, Behind the Scenes. One is called the Kingdom…
Do Angels exist? Do Angels exist? The answer is a resounding yes, read on and I will give a few biblical examples. In this article I will only cover “good…